Most modern websites use cookies, as we do here at My Special Needs Connection. We have many applications, such as: tracking users as they navigate around our website; remembering user and customer preferences and shopping cart contents; auto logins from visitors coming back to a site; and web site security. In most of our websites, operators are subject to a legal obligation to provide information to users about the use of cookies. The purpose of our policy disclaimer is to assist with these obligations.
If you create a user account, we will collect your contact details. If you purchase an item through our store, we will ask you to provide your physical address, and credit card details so that we can process your payment. We use cookies to: Track logins and user information; Location data form IP addresses, Third party cookies for plugins; Tracking data and user data Contact us at to find out what information we have collected about you, and to request any changes.
If you opt out of being tracked, we will ensure that new data collected about you will not be used by us for targeted advertising purposes. Any amendments to our Privacy Policy will be posted as a notification on our homepage. If you have any question about the way we use “cookies” please contact our support team at
© Copyright 2014 My Special Needs Connection, L.L.C
Disclaimer: The information, materials, and opinion(s) obtained from this website is not, nor, intended to be, general, or specific, legal advice or is intended to replace legal services. Links from this website to other websites, companies, or individuals (“Third-Parties”) are provided as a convenience and do not constitute an endorsement of, or an assumption of responsibility for, the accuracy, services or content offered by Third-Parties. We do not independently review the Third-Party products, providers, or services. Therefore, it is essential that you thoroughly investigate any product or service that will be used by, or will be caring for, your child/adult. We make no representation whether or not we are affiliated or associated with Third-Parties.